Latest news | ATAM S.p.A.


27 November 2020


Rather than attempting to achieve the Utopian goal of the paperless office in the short term, the ATAM paper reduction project is aimed at the more pragmatic drive to maximise the efficiency of processes that use paper and paper materials. 

To date, the internal data exchange technology has enabled a dramatic reduction in the use of paper in sheet form, eliminating: 
- printed test report forms, replaced by a SW application that sends customers an email that allows comprehensive test verification. This system results in savings of around 7000-8000 sheets/year per order
- hard copies with an order description on inbound pallets of coils from an external supplier, with a saving of 3 sheets of paper per order
The vision for the future is to exploit the computerised systems present in the company without radically altering consolidated work processes and practices, in order to further reduce the amount of paper used, with consequent economic savings and environmental benefits.